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Evidencias de talleres realizados y visitas de campo a Punto Verde.
Taller en el internado de Todos Santos B.C.S. México.
Visita de "Escuela Pacífica" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Alumnos "Tecnológico de La Paz" La Paz B.C.S. México
Taller "The palapa Society of Todos Santos" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Taller "C.E.C.Y.T.E." Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Taller "Primaria Melitón Albañez" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Alumnos del internado de Todos Santos B.C.S. México.
Estudiantes "The Sierra School" Todos Santos B.C.S. México.
Taller "Escuela Secundaria Todos Santos" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Estudiantes "C.S.U. Colorato Satate University" Estados Unidos
Taller "Todos Educando" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Your contribution to Ecorrevolutcion is very important. There is still much to be done to achieve an economically sustainable environmental organization. Thank you for investing in the future of the new generations.
Banco: Banorte
Account name: Eco rrrevolucion A.C.
Account number: 0307890511
CLABE (16 digits): 072 040 00307890511 9
Important note: notify any deposit / donation made to the account in Mexico and / or through ICF, to communicate with you and keep you updated on current projects to which you will contribute.
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