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One of the commitments of our project is Environmental Education for children and young students of all levels of public and private schools. With this objective in mind, we designed an Interactive Workshop where they learn the importance of reducing waste and separation at source and the direct relationship it has with the environment.
Using the “3R´s” method, Teaching them the types of waste that are generated and the separation at source, (Organic and Inorganic) the recycling action and the advantages associated with it are promoted. We have called this project “Green Children” and below we present a list of the workshops that we have given, as well as the impacted students and institutions:


Evidence of workshops held and field visits to "Punto Verde".

Workshop at the "Todos Santos Boarding School" Todos Santos B.C.S. Mexico.

Visit of "Escuela Pacifica" Todos Santos B.C.S. Mexico

Students "Tecnológico de La Paz" La Paz B.C.S. Mexico

Workshop "The palapa Society of Todos Santos" Todos Santos B.C.S. Mexico

Workshop "C.E.C.Y.T.E." Todos Santos B.C.S. Mexico

Workshop "Melitón Albañez Elementary" Todos Santos B.C.S. Mexico